
  • To promote the launch of NBC’s streaming service, Peacock, VTI created identical Dunder Mifflin fleet trucks, which is the supply sales company from one of their most popular shows, The Office.

    The Office is well-known to have a large fanbase, despite having ended in 2013. We were so delighted to craft these trucks, and we were so excited to see what they’d be used for in the coming months!

    The Dunder Mifflin trucks were displayed at Universal Studios Hollywood, as well as the hometown of The Office- Scranton, Pennsylvania. At a press conference with the mayor, several cast members, and local celebrities, Scranton was gifted a giant “Dundie” award for “Best Hometown Of The Office”.

    The trucks were also seen at Heinz Stadium, where NBC revealed their $10k donation to the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank.


Harry Potter X Le Crueset

